Useful Commands
Update vmTools with no reboot
Get-VM "<vm_name>" | Update-Tools -NoReboot
Create snapshot
new-snapshot -vm <vm_name> -name snapshot_test
Remove snapshot
get-snapshot -vm <vm_name> | remove-snapshot
get-vm -Name <vm_name> | move-vm -Destination <hostname_or_host_ip>
Storage vMotion
Get-VM "<vm_name>" | Move-VM -Datastore <datastore_name>
List all virtual machines with snapshots
get-vm | get-snapshot | format-list vm,name
List vmx file locations for vm's
Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | % { $_.Config.Files.VmPathName }
Get host boot up time/date
$esxis = Get-VMHost
Get-ViEvent -entity $esxis -Start (Get-Date "10:00 10/09/2016") -Finish (Get-Date "15:00 10/09/2016") -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) | Where {$_.FullFormattedMessage -eq "Host has booted."}