List object contributors in all azure subscriptions
The below script will loop through all Azzure subscriptions excluding Visual Studio subscriptions, it will then look at every object and list/export everyone who has a role that has the word "Contributor" in it.
Example below:
<# .Synopsis .DESCRIPTION This script will connect to Azure and cycle through all subscriptions listing all the objects and who has a role which has "Contributor" in the name .EXAMPLE Run the script and sign in to Azure .OUTPUTS A file csv file will be created for each subscription named "contribuators_subscription.csv" in c:\temp A total number of contributors will be added to the bottom of the csv .NOTES Keep in mind this will only be able to look at subscriptions you have permissions to. This will also skip the Visual studio subscription using a if the name like 'visual' statement #> # Config and clear screen cls $Path = "C:\Temp\" $filename = "contributors_" $headers = "Subscription" + "," + "Resource_name" + "," + "Resource_group" + "," + "Resource_type" + "," + "Display_Name" + "," + "Sign_in_name" + "," + "Role_definition_name" + "," + "Object_type" $footer = "Total_contributors" # Connect to Azure Connect-AzAccount # Get all subscriptions $getallSubscriptions = Get-AzSubscription # Loop through subscriptions and get all resources foreach ($getallSubscription in $getallSubscriptions) { Select-AzSubscription $getallSubscription | Out-Null $filenamesubscription = $getallSubscription.Name # Reset counter $count = 0 # Skip visual studio subscriptions if ($getallSubscription.Name -like '*visual*') { Write-host $getallSubscription.Name Write-host "Skipping visual studio subscription" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host "" } else { # Check if export file present, if so skip subscription $fileToCheck = "$($Path)$filename$filenamesubscription.csv" if (Test-Path $fileToCheck -PathType leaf) { Write-Host "$path$filename$filenamesubscription.csv File present, skipping." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host "" } else { # Create headers and output file Add-content -path "$($Path)$filename$filenamesubscription.csv" -value $headers # Get all resources $resources = Get-AzureRmResource | Select-Object Name, ResourceId, ResourceType, ResourceGroupName # Loop through each resource and get users/groups where their role has "Contributor" in it foreach ($resource in $resources) { $items = get-azurermroleassignment -scope $resource.ResourceId | where { $_.RoleDefinitionname -like 'contributor' -and ($_.ObjectType -notcontains 'ServicePrincipal') } | Select DisplayName, SignInName, RoledefinitionName, Scope, ObjectType # Loop through users/groups and get details foreach ($item in $items) { $signinname = $item.SignInName $roledefinitionname = $item.RoledefinitionName $scope = $item.scope $objecttype = $item.ObjectType $sub = $getallSubscription.Name # Write output to screen Write-Host $sub "|" $resource.Name "|" $resource.ResourceGroupName "|" $resource.ResourceType "|" $item.DisplayName "|" $signinname "|" $roledefinitionname "|" $objecttype "`n" Write-host $count # Write output to csv file $value = $sub + "," + $resource.Name + "," + $resource.ResourceGroupName + "," + $resource.ResourceType + "," + $item.DisplayName + "," + $signinname + "," + $roledefinitionname + "," + $objecttype Add-content -path "$($Path)$filename$filenamesubscription.csv" -value $value $count ++ } } $value1 = $footer + "," + $count Add-content -path "$($Path)$filename$filenamesubscription.csv" -value $value1 } } }