Split a file by numbers of lines

From roonics
Revision as of 15:19, 17 February 2025 by Jlambert (talk | contribs)
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This script will split large files by number of lines. Place the files you wish to split in the source folder and adjust the number of lines you want it to split by and run.


This script will get a list of all files in the "Files_to_split folder" then loop through each file and split
every XXX numbers of lines (set in the config)





# Config
$FilesToSplitDir = "Files_to_split\"
$SplitFilesDir = "Split_files\"
$SplitFileLines = 100000
$padding = "       "


# Check if source folder is present
if (!(Test-Path -Path $FilesToSplitDir)) {
    Write-Host "ERROR - $FilesToSplitDir folder not present" -ForegroundColor Red

# Check if destination folder is present
if (!(Test-Path -Path $SplitFilesDir)) {
    Write-Host "ERROR - $SplitFilesDir folder not present" -ForegroundColor Red

# Check source folder is empty
if ( (Get-ChildItem $FilesToSplitDir | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {
    Write-host "No files found to split" -ForegroundColor Red

# Check If destination folder has files present if so stop
if ( (Get-ChildItem $SplitFilesDir | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0) {
    Write-Host "File detected in destination folder." -ForegroundColor Red
else {
    # Get list of files to split
    $FilesToSplits = Get-ChildItem -Path $FilesToSplitDir

    # Loop through files in dir and split them
    foreach ($filesToSplit in $FilesToSplits) {
        Write-Host "Splitting -"$FilesToSplit -ForegroundColor Green
        $i = 0
        Get-Content $FilesToSplitDir$FilesToSplit -ReadCount $SplitFileLines | % { $i++; Write-Host $padding$SplitFilesDir$i"_"$FilesToSplit; $_ | Out-File $SplitFilesDir$i"_"$FilesToSplit }