Rubrik install and setup process
Here are the steps for installing and setting up Rubrik backup devices.
- Go to the back of the Rubrik and you should see a serial number sticker with something along the lines of:
Make a note of this.
- Connect your laptop to the management port on the back of the Rubrik and wait for your laptop to get a DHCP address
- Once you have an IP address open a browser and browse to:
- This should take you to a Rubik setup page.
- You will have a "Welcome to Rubrik page" asking you for your email address and password. Enter these details and continue.
- The Rubrik will now search for other Rubrik nodes on the LAN.
- You will now see a screen asking you to setup IP information. First of all focus on the top section which will be the generic settings, i.e. cluster name, DNS, Gateway, subnet, ntp etc etc
- Now move down to the nodes section, you now need to add a management IP and a Idrac/ilo IP for each Rubrik node it has found. At this stage you can specify a VLAN for data traffic only, specify this if required.
- You will then get a "Setting up system" message followed by a "Setting up encryption" message, this will take some time.
- Once complete you should be able to browse to any of the management IP's and login using "admin" and the password you set at the beginning.
Once you have logged in you will need to:
- Add your vcenter to the Rubrik
- Assign a floating IP (optional)
- Add your storage array if it supports Rubrik storage array integration
- Add LDAP for domain login
- Install the Rubrik backup agent on any physical servers you may wish to backup
- Create some SLA groups with the backup retention etc that meets your needs
Factory reset entire Rubrik
Should you need to reset your Rubrik you can follow the steps below.
- Using Putty SSH to the Rubrik node you wish to factory reset.
- Type:
and press enter
- You will them be prompted with the below, if you still wish to continue type "yes" and press enter:
Warning: This operation will erase all the data on the filesystem!!! Type 'yes' to continue: yes
- You will then see a lot of messages similar to the below:
2019-07-11T12:01:13+0000 INFO <12973.MainThread> [reset_node.pyc] Starting sdreset 2019-07-11T12:01:13+0000 INFO <12973.MainThread> [reset_node.pyc] Running sdreset_internal 2019-07-11T12:01:20+0000 INFO <12973.MainThread> [reset_node.pyc] 2019-07-11T12:01:20+0000 INFO <12976.main> [] svscan is already running with pid 18986 2019-07-11T12:01:20+0000 INFO <12973.MainThread> [reset_node.pyc] 2019-07-11T12:01:20+0000 INFO <12976.main> [] Waiting for svc lock
Let these continue, you are waiting until you see the below message:
2019-07-11T12:03:43+0000 INFO <12973.MainThread> [reset_node.pyc] Ran sdreset successfully RVM123456789 >>
Once you see this message you can reboot the Rubrik and start the setup process again, obviously if you have more than one Rubrik node you will need to repeat the above for each node.
Useful Commands
Connecting to Rubrik via Powershell
- Download and install the Rubrik PowerShell addon:
- Once downloaded, open PowerShell and connect to your Rubrik:
$Cred = Get-Credential
Connect-Rubrik -Server x.x.x.x -Credential $Cred
Editing Enable storage array integration on all virtual machines
Connect to the Rubrik run the command below to enable storage array integration on all virtual machines:
Get-RubrikVM | Set-RubrikVM -UseArrayIntegration 1
- If you wish to disable storage array integration on all virtual machine run the following command:
Get-RubrikVM | Set-RubrikVM -UseArrayIntegration 0
Depending on how many virtual machines you are backing up this may take some time.
Change/set sla of a virtual machine
Get-RubrikVM -name <vm-name-here> | Protect-RubrikVM -SLA "<sla-name-here>"